Hope you all had a wonderful and restful weekend! It's hard to believe that this is officially the last full week of my internship -- WOOSAH!
So last Friday, we had a delightful time at the BCSEmmys! It was so great to see the students letting loose and not taking themselves too seriously. The BCSEmmys, hosted by the senior class as a courtesy to the National Honor Society, honors the students who have demonstrated academic excellence and discipline throughout the course of the marking period. Safi was awarded the student of the Month for showing great integrity and scholastic excellence; We're Proud of you Safi!
When thy phone is bum |
This past Sunday, the students volunteered at the NYC marathon! The students( the whole BCSM senior class) were out there from 8AM to 5PM! I'm so so proud of you all for showing such great SELFLESSNESS and GENEROSITY!
Yesterday was the school senior picture day! We had a wonderful time afterwards munching down on some delicious donuts as I helped some of the students with their college essays.
The reunion is this coming Wednesday!!! Talk to your teachers before Thursday and ask for any work you'll miss while absent.
The SAT is this upcoming Saturday
For the next couple of days leading up to the test, be productive with your time!
1)Spend the most amount of time on your weakest section.
2)Take one last full-length prep test
1)Review your notes and go through your grammar rules
2)Get enough rest, especially on the day before(You don't want to be that person who starts the notorious YAWN CHAIN during the test and you DEFINITELY DON'T WANT TO FALL ASLEEP)
3) Spend enough time on google maps familiarizing yourself with the route to the test center
4) Prepare your materials(2 pencils, a working calculator and your ticket)
The breakfast strategy
Wake up an hour or two before you need to leave and eat a good and balanced breakfast. Make sure not to overeat or have anything too greasy – more blood will be redirected to your stomach to digest everything, leaving less blood to keep your brain sharp and alert. While you’re eating, do a quick review of your math and grammar rules and then spend some time reading a difficult article.
Don't forget to bring some snacks and a bottle(s) of water.
Last of all;